Wind farm developers and operators require a detailed understanding of metocean and seabed conditions to support the design, installation and decommissioning phases of the development.
ABPmer was commissioned by Sure Partners to produce a Site Condition Report to inform development of Arklow Bank Offshore Wind Farm, off the east coast of Ireland.
The combination of relatively shallow water, strong tidal currents and exposed wave climate make Arklow Bank a particularly complex location. However, using outputs from validated hindcast databases developed for SEASTATES, we provided a preliminary set of metocean statistics and a description of the seabed morphology, sediment transport patterns and a high-level assessment of scour potential.
We helped develop the specification for a new oceanographic survey, and will be using the outputs in conjunction with new numerical modelling to refine the preliminary results and inform a final Site Condition Report.
We support the successful planning and completion of offshore and coastal developments with high quality meteorological and oceanographic data. Learn more about our metocean data services.