David Lambkin

Metocean specialist
+44 (0)23 8071 1874

Developing guidelines for the use of metocean data



We led a team of experts, from Met Office and SeaRoc UK, working toward the publication of new guidance on the uses of metocean data through the life cycle of a marine renewable energy development.

The guidance serves as a helpful reference to inform project developers, engineers, marine surveyors, environmental consultants and other key stakeholders who will benefit from a wider appreciation of metocean issues.

The document includes a review of metocean data types, data sources and identifies the importance for good data management through all stages of development from site selection to decommissioning.

Access the Guidelines from theĀ CIRIA website.

Using advanced analytical tools and high quality meteorological, wave, current and water level datasets, our metocean scientists guide you to the best solution for your project. Learn more about our consultancy service.

David Lambkin

Metocean specialist
+44 (0)23 8071 1874

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