Weather Downtime

Adverse weather is a logistical and financial risk that must be considered when planning projects or offering vessel services.

With the offshore industry’s focus on cost reduction and risk mitigation, weather risk is often a key consideration in project planning and commercials. When taking on such risk, installation contractors and developers cannot afford to be without a detailed understanding of the impact of weather on their projects.

Although it is impossible to eliminate the impact of weather on offshore operations, understanding the likelihood of successful execution provides a means of managing the associated risks.

Your operation can benefit from confident assessments of weather downtime based on calculations using our SEASTATES global hindcast database, which holds validated weather back to 1979.

Our analyses can consider any combination of home ports, incorporate complex, multi-stage operations with multiple limiting parameters, and process any number of scenarios, allowing rapid testing and decision-making.

We also offer an on-demand weather downtime calculator subscription service, Weather Downtime Express (WDTX).


Weather Downtime Express: how it works

Developed in conjunction with offshore operators, and regularly used by developers, operators and contractors, WDTX combines your knowledge of offshore operations with our metocean data expertise, to give you the insights you need to make an informed decision inclusive of weather downtime.

Based on your planned operational programme, WDTX simulates its sequential completion over a wide range of possible environmental conditions at the working site(s). These (typically hundreds of thousands of) simulations provide the basis for robust location and programme-specific statistical estimates of weather downtime.

Estimates are returned in minutes, meaning you can make weather dependent decisions faster and, with more confidence.

Learn more about WDTX, or arrange a demonstration and free trial.


What the WDTX service provides

  • Weather downtime with results rapidly presented for extended duration of individual tasks, cycles of work and for whole project
  • Results for given start date
  • Percentage of time meeting when not meeting specified conditions
  • Full range of downtime probability estimates
  • Breakdown of top 10 tasks contributing to weather downtime
  • Estimated milestone completion dates
  • Detailed figures and value tables for all the above

David Lambkin

Metocean specialist
+44 2380 711 874

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Quayside Suite
Medina Chambers
Town Quay
SO14 2AQ

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